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State management

geonetwork-ui relies on a state to maintain a single source of truth among the different libraries and applications of the workspace.

It's based on NgRx, which takes advantage of RxJs to handle state reactivity.


The state is a tree, it's a combination of several feature branches.

- search
- map
- mdview
- router

A feature state stores different properties related to the feature.

Each feature state has a key (the name of the branch in the tree), and a type, containing different properties of the feature state.

Eg. SearchState:

+ map
+ search
  - configuration
  - parameters
    - aggregations
    - filters
    - pagination
  - results
  - error

NgRx architecture

The state is a tree with one level of branches. For an application to run with a state, it must have a root state declaration. Then, each feature state which is declared in any module loaded by the application plugs its branch to the root state.

Root state

The root state is declared at the application root module level:

  imports: [
    !environment.production ? StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument() : [],

StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument() enables the Redux dev tools on development mode.

Feature state

The feature branches can be declared in any module, application or library ones.

  imports: [
    StoreModule.forFeature(SEARCH_FEATURE_KEY, reducer, {

SEARCH_FEATURE_KEY contains the name of this feature branch: search.


  • There can be only one root state for the whole application.
  • There must be a root state if some modules declare a feature state.

NgRx fundamentals

For more information, please refer to the official documentation.

Trigger a state change

You can update the state only through Actions, which are a combination of

  • a type, it's a string with the following pattern "[state_name] action_description" (e.g. [Search] Set filters')
  • a payload, could be any input to change the state (eg: filters)

Listen to state changes

You can listen to state changes through Selectors, which are RxJs Observables. You can create your own selectors to listen to specific changes within the state.

Side effects

To handle state change side effects, for instance for asynchronous actions, you can use Effects.

An effect is a subscription to an Observable (mostly to other actions) which often dispatches other actions. (e.g. Load action can dispatch LoadSuccess or LoadFailure action through effects).


A Facade is an Angular service which exposes the state interactions (read/write) to the rest of the application.

The NgRx Store object should not be injected in the rest of the application, the application should only access to the state through the facade.



For an application or a feature, the state should be encapsulated in a state folder which will contain all the files needed to bootstrap a state branch:

+ state
  - search.action.ts
  - search.effects.ts
  - search.facade.ts
  - search.reducer.ts
  - search.selector.ts

The state types are defined in the reducer file, along with the initial state object.


  • The state should be as flat as possible. In order to keep reducers simple, you must avoid having nesting within the state structure.

    Instead of having a tree for a nested structure of nodes, just store your nodes in a flat array, and refer them to other node ids.

  • Don't store computed value, avoid duplicate. Those values can be computed on the fly from a selector


  • Reducers must be pure functions.
  • Reducers must return a new state object (the state is immutable)

Search state

The search state is a core component of geonetwork-ui, as it handles the interaction with GeoNetwork Search API (which forwards the request to Elasticsearch). Many components/applications of geonetwork-ui rely on the search state, which is declared in the FeatureSearchModule module.

The search state is responsible for storing:

  • any search parameters
    • aggregations
    • filters
    • pagination
  • search results
  • search configuration

The actions & effects are responsible for triggering a search request to the backend.

Multiple search states

As you could have several searches within the application, search state is not a singleton, there is no unique service to handle the search state.

You have to initiate one state per search you want to have (e.g. feeds, search, etc...)

Search containers

A container is defined by a directive which encapsulate all DOM structure underneath the directive to a specific state behavior. The container uses an abstraction called SearchService which infers search execution.

The SearchService is an abstraction over the SearchFacade.

  • SearchStateContainerDirective is the classic search container. All search changes will directly call the SearchFacade to set the correct filters & parameters within the search state, to trigger a search request.
  • SearchRouterContainerDirective adds an indirection via the router state. All search changes, like filter changes, are mapped to the router state, then the router state is synchronized with the search state.

    You can have only one router container in the application.

Important: You can only inject the SearchService and/or the SearchFacade from a child component of the component which declares the container directive in its template.

Create a search state

To create a search state, the best way is to use a search container directive. You can either use SearchStateContainerDirective or SearchRouterContainerDirective.

<div class="relative" gnUiSearchStateContainer="newsfeed">...</div>

SearchStateContainerDirective is used for a classic search state. Adding such a directive in your code automatically

  • initializes a search state with the id newsfeed.
  • instantiates a new SearchFacade object for the newsfeed state.
  • injects the dedicated SearchService, corresponding to the container type.
  • encapsulates all DOM tree underneath the directive scope. It means that every component within the container DOM, which inject the SearchService will get the implementation provided by the container directive.


  • Search init
    includes: [...ES_SOURCE_BRIEF, 'createDate', 'changeDate'],
  .setPagination(0, 10)
  • Subscribing to search results
this.searchFacade.results$.subscribe((results) => {
  // do my stuff

Router state

Angular routing can be associated to a state manager. It's the way used to persist search filters in the URL to provide a permalink for search results.

Please refer to the Routing section to know more about the search router abilities.

Released under the GPL-2.0 license.