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Why GeoNetwork-UI ?

The GeoNetwork-UI project has been conceived as a way to depart from the long-standing and hard-to-use GeoNetwork interface, and offer new functionalities and better user experience on top of the existing GeoNetwork API. Its core functionalities are a powerful search engine, various data visualization components, and a better support for non-geographic and open data resources.

Read the Vision section to understand better which approach is being adopted for this project and why.

GeoNetwork-UI offers different applications suited to different use-cases. Applications are documented in the corresponding section.


GeoNetwork-UI is an open-source project just like GeoNetwork core, and is licensed under GPL-2.0. It is developed by a community of contributors from various organizations, mny of them also involved in the development of the GeoNetwork core project.


If you want to contribute, please read the guides in the "contributing" section of this website. You should also read the Contribution Guide in the GitHub repository.


End users are invited to join us on the GeoNetwork-UI forum on OsGeo Discourse:

For discussions on technical topics, you should head to the GitHub discussions of the project.

The community can also be reached through the Gitter room chat if needed.

Lastly, bugs, issues and improvement requests should be reported on the GitHub issue tracker. Thank you!

Released under the GPL-2.0 license.