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Architecture overview

The GeoNetwork UI project is a monorepo managed using Nx and is composed of:

  • libraries containing components and services in the libs folder
  • applications relying on libraries in the apps folder
  • web components relying on libraries in the apps/webcomponents folder

Other directories include:

  • assets-common: shared assets across all apps
  • conf: configuration-related files
  • docs: this website
  • package: contains the necessary toolkit for generating the NPM package
  • support-services: docker composition used to set up the development environment
  • tools: various tools & utils for docker, internationalization etc.
  • translations: contains the translations of all keys used in the project



This is a general diagram of how libraries are organized:

architecture.svgLink to original drawing


The libraries are organized as follows:

  1. Presentation libraries are in the ui folder and are categorized by their forms:

    • ui-inputs for reusable components made to collect input from the user (e.g.: form fields, buttons...)
    • ui-elements for components focused on rendering specific types of information in an elaborate way, which may or may not be related to business usages; examples include download links, facet or selection tree, etc.
    • ui-layout for components which occupy a large part of the screen and might contain variable content or other components
    • ui-map for map-specific components (map container, controls, etc.)
    • ui-widgets for reusable, small, self-contained components which show information in a visual way, similar to icons but more elaborate (e.g.: icon with tooltip, status indicator, progress bar...)

    Note: presentation components contain mainly HTML and CSS code, and should contain very little logic

  2. Libraries providing business or data logic and state management are in the feature folder and are categorized by their intended use:

    • feature-auth for logic and components related to authentication
    • feature-catalog for logic and components related to general catalog topics (title, logo, etc.)
    • feature-dataviz for logic and components related to data visualization
    • feature-record for logic and components related to displaying a catalog record's information (metadata, data preview, exports, APIs...)
    • feature-editor for logic and components related to editing metadata
    • feature-map for logic and components related to interactive maps
    • feature-search for logic and components related to searching through the catalog
    • feature-notifications for notifications systems

    Note: these libraries provide "smart components" which are communicating with each other using a NgRx store.
    They rely on presentation components and as such hold very little HTML or CSS code.

  3. Libraries used for interacting with backend services are in the data-access folder:

    • data-access-gn4 contains an auto-generated API client for the GeoNetwork 4 backend
  4. Libraries providing various utilities in the util folder:

    • util-data-fetcher for fetching and querying datasets
    • util-app-config for parsing and validating application configurations
    • util-shared for shared models and types, test fixtures, app-wide settings etc.
    • util-i18n for translation and internationalization
  5. Libraries providing common services or shared models are in the util folder:

    • common-domain contains many definitions used across the whole project
    • common-fixtures contains test fixtures
  6. Libraries providing low-level functionalities that can be used both in front and backend are in the api folder:

    • api-repository for providing the Records Repository abstraction as well as all models related to it (metadata records, etc.)
    • api-metadata-converter for converting metadata from and to interoperable formats

Dependency constraints

To ensure that the project structure stays healthy and avoid circular dependencies, several constraints dictating which kinds of libraries can depend on which were set up. These constraints are enforced by ESLint and configured in the ESLint configuration file.

The constraints are:

  1. No library should depend on util/app-config
    This is because only applications should decide whether an app config file should be loaded (see this page for more information).
  2. Libraries of type common, data-access and util should only depend on libraries of the same type
  3. Libraries of type ui and api should only depend on shared libraries or libraries of the same type
    Shared libraries have the scope:shared tag; this is for instance the case for util-i18n and util-shared
  4. Libraries of type feature can depend on any other kind of library expect util/app-config

Web Components

See the specific README file.


See the dedicated section of this website.

Released under the GPL-2.0 license.