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Application Configuration


GeoNetwork UI provides a standard way of configuring applications using the default.toml file.

This file can be used to:

  • customize the URL used to reach the GeoNetwork 4 API
  • indicate an optional proxy path to the application
  • indicate a metadata language to be used when searching
  • customize the theme used in the application (colors, fonts...)
  • define custom translations for the different languages

Please refer to the configuration guide as well as embedded comments in the file for more information.

The util/app-config library

This library is the one which should be used when parsing a configuration file. Using a configuration file is not mandatory, each application can decide whether this is relevant.

Only applications should rely on the util/app-config library! The other libraries should never assume that an application config is present, as this can very often not be the case (e.g. for web components).

Released under the GPL-2.0 license.