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This guide will offer you indications and advices for successfully deploying one or several GeoNetwork-UI applications in your infrastructure.


Before diving into this guide, please refer yourself to the prerequisites page to make sure your environment is ready for deploying GeoNetwork-UI applications.

Basic principle

Applications can be built using the following command:

$ npx nx build <app-name>
# <app-name> is e.g. datahub or datafeeder

All build artifacts for this application will end up in the dist/<app-name> folder. These artifacts can be deployed in any HTTP server (e.g. Nginx, Apache, Azure Static Website with Blob storage...).

Simply move the content of dist/<app-name> folder into the appropriate place for your server and adjust your configuration file (if needed).

Web Server

Geonetwork-UI applications are using path-based routing strategy. This means than an application deployed on<app-name> can handle routes such as:

  • /apps/<app-name>/records/all
  • /apps/<app-name>/settings
  • /apps/<app-name>/search?q=road

All these routes should in reality end up pointing to /apps/<app-name>/index.html, the rest of the path being interpreted by Angular.

This requires the relevant HTTP server to have a specific configuration for this to work (otherwise 404 errors will happen very often).

The configuration must essentially let the HTTP server know that if a required resource is not available, the request must be redirected to the application index.html file.


For Nginx, edit your server configuration to redirect to the application index.html as fallback.

    listen 80;
    listen [::] 80;
    root /var/www/example;
    index index.html;
    location / {
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /index.html;


For Apache, you first need to activate the rewrite module :

a2enmod rewrite
systemctl restart apache2

Then there are two options available. You can either add the following lines in an .htaccess file alongside the application index.html file, or in a directory rule inside your httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^ {link_to_angular}/index.html

Replace {link_to_angular}/index.html with your needs.


GeoNetwork-UI applications rely on the GeoNetwork authentication mechanism. This means that if the user is authenticated in GeoNetwork, they will have access to authenticated features in the corresponding GeoNetwork-UI apps.

There are a few caveats, depending on the deployment scenario:

😌 GeoNetwork and GeoNetwork-UI are deployed on the same host

e.g. and

In this scenario, requests from the GeoNetwork-UI app to GeoNetwork are not cross-origin requests, so CORS rules do not apply.

GeoNetwork has an XSRF protection by default, which will make authenticated requests fail unless the following is done:

  • either make sure that the XSRF cookies sent by GeoNetwork have a path value of /; this is typically done like so in GeoNetwork:

    --- a/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config-security/config-security-core.xml
    +++ b/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config-security/config-security-core.xml
    @@ -361,6 +361,7 @@
       <bean class=""
         <property name="cookieHttpOnly" value="false"/>
    +    <property name="cookiePath" value="/"/>

    Also make sure that the GeoNetwork API URL used by the application is not an absolute URL; a relative URL should be enough in that scenario:

    --- a/conf/default.toml
    +++ b/conf/default.toml
    @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
    -geonetwork4_api_url = ""
    +geonetwork4_api_url = "/geonetwork/srv/api"
  • or disable the XSRF protection selectively for non-critical endpoints of GeoNetwork, e.g. for marking records as favorites; this is typically done like so in GeoNetwork:

    --- a/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config-security/config-security-core.xml
    +++ b/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config-security/config-security-core.xml
    @@ -374,6 +374,9 @@
    +        <value>/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+/api/userselections.*</value>


    Please do this responsibly as this could have security implications!

😓 GeoNetwork and GeoNetwork-UI are not deployed on the same host

e.g. and

In this scenario, even if CORS settings are correctly set up on GeoNetwork side, most authenticated request will probably fail because by default they are not sent with the withCredentials: true option.

As such, authenticated requests are not yet supported in GeoNetwork-UI in the case of a cross-origin deployment; non-authenticated requests (e.g. public search) should still work provided CORS settings were correctly set up on the GeoNetwork side (see CORS response headers).

Lastly, even if authenticated requests were cleared regarding CORS rules, it would still be needed to disable the XSRF mechanism for the endpoints that GeoNetwork-UI relies on; XSRF protections works by making the client read the content of an HTTP cookie, and that is forbidden in a cross-origin context

Enabling improved search fields

ElasticSearch offers the possibility to preprocess the records of a catalog, and this can be leveraged to improve the search experience in GeoNetwork-UI. This is done by registering so-called ingest pipelines.

GeoNetwork-UI provides several pipelines, for instance:

  • Enable the Metadata Quality Score
  • Show better, human-readable data formats

The two options for registering the pipelines are explained below.


Once pipelines are registered, the GeoNetwork catalog should be fully reindexed again.


Please note that destroying and recreating the GeoNetwork index will disable the pipelines! These should simply be registered again afterward.

Option A: Executing a Node script

This will require having node installed on the device, as well as a direct HTTP access to the ElasticSearch instance (i.e. not just access to the GeoNetwork API).

First clone the GeoNetwork-UI repository:

git clone
cd geonetwork-ui

Then run the following script with the appropriate options:

node tools/pipelines/register-es-pipelines.js register --host=http://localhost:9090

The --host option is used to point to the ElasticSearch instance. If ElasticSearch is secured, --username and --password can be used to pass HTTP Authentication. Additionally, the --records-index option can be used if the index containing the metadata records is not called gn-records.

Option B: Running a docker image

A docker image called geonetwork/geonetwork-ui-tools-pipelines can be used to register pipelines automatically on startup.

To run it:

docker run --rm --env ES_HOST=http://localhost:9200 --network host geonetwork/geonetwork-ui-tools-pipelines

Here the ES_HOST environment variable is used to point to the ElasticSearch instance. Note that this host will be used from inside the docker container, so to access an instance on localhost the --network host option is also required.

The RECORDS_INDEX environment variable can be used to a different index name if it is not called gn-records.

Enabling user feedbacks

The Datahub application lets users post feedbacks (comments) on the records of the catalog. This feature has to be enabled in GeoNetwork first:

  1. Log in to GeoNetwork with an administrator account
  2. Go to administration > settings > system settings
    e.g. http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/fre/admin.console#/settings/system
  3. In "User feedback" section, check "Enable feedback"
  4. only for GeoNetwork version 4.2.5 and below: the user feedbacks API will fail if a SMTP host is not properly configured; this is done in the "Feedback" section, option "SMTP Host"; this does not need to be a valid host, as long as it's not empty
  5. Click on the "Save settings" button in the top right corner of that page

Released under the GPL-2.0 license.